Scraphic Novels Debut at Ecole LaVerendrye and Margaret-Underhill!
My fellow artist Anita Lebeau and I are thrilled to announce the debut of our brand new arts program, Scraphic Novels! We are working with two schools this year – Ecole LaVerendrye and Ecole Margaret-Underhill. In fact, our residency at LaVerendrye is well underway, and it’s been a blast so far (we’re counting down the days until our return in February/March)!
Scraphic Novels are “a lively mash-up of creative writing, comic strips, graphic novels, and scrapbooking.” Through a series of writing and arts/crafts workshops, students develop their own original Scraphic Novels. READ MORE ABOUT SCRAPHIC NOVELS HERE!
The clever and super-fun books can also integrate with other subjects being studied (at LaVerendrye, students are making Scraphic Novels inspired by Animals and the 7 Teachings, Legends, Habitats; at Margaret-Underhill students will be bringing their knowledge of The Arctic to their stories).
Look for more posts in the coming months – we just couldn’t wait to start sharing the news!
Karin (and Anita, too) 🙂