Ruby and the Ball: Making a Story Better Together
The amazing Grade 3s of Room 211 offered wonderful feedback on a rough draft I shared with them, a very short story called “Ruby and the Ball”. Now, I know I told you wonderful writers that I would try to revise this story using your ideas. However, I find myself suddenly very busy with another huge writing project leaving me very little extra time (eep!).
But I did want to take the time to say thank you! You all helped me to see what was already working in my little story by telling me what you liked. Then came your imaginative suggestions for improvement! These included adding names and ages to the existing characters, adding more action, putting in a plot twist, bringing in the parents as important characters, describing the forest with more intriguing details (a path, a gate)…maybe even taking the whole story in a new and exciting science fiction direction! I mean, wow! So much to think about and so many ways the story could go…

So, thank you for helping me to see the possibilities in this story, just like I saw so many possibilities in your own creative stories, characters, story worlds and ideas. (And hey – if you want to rewrite the Ruby story using your own great ideas, that would be amazing – let me know how it goes!)
Thanks again Room 211 for a great time, and the warm welcome before each and every session (I felt like part of your class!):

Happy writing – till we meet again!
Karin 🙂