Young Authors Day at James Nisbet and Fun at Arthur E. Wright
I was honoured to have been your special guest author at James Nisbet’s Young Author’s Day on June 15! What a spectacular celebration of all the creative writing that goes on at this remarkable school. Everyone has a story to tell, and I’m so glad that the caring and creative staff at Nisbet encourages their students to tell them out loud!
It was a real treat to meet with students I’d visited on previous occasions, and even those who had already read No TV? No Fair! . It was cool to hear your favorite parts (and yes, I like the Chicken Dance scene, too!!). I also had a chance to meet students all the way from grade one to grade six (I think I read to something like 13 classes – wow!) that was cool!
Thanks again for inviting me to be a part of your special day – I look forward to visiting you again some time next year!
And finally, I ended my author visits for the school year right back where I started – at Arthur E. Wright on Thursday, June 24. I loved reading to you all, and hearing about your amazing summer plans – from traveling cross country, to having cousins over, to swimming, to camping – it all sounds great. Be safe, have fun – and maybe even read a book or two! 😉
– Karin 🙂