Sometimes Real Life Is Just As Exciting As Comic-Book Adventures!
Mermaid Warrior Squad is Karin Adams’ fifth book for young readers. With her usual humour and knack for getting to the heart of real-world, real-kid friendships, this summer arts camp-themed story unfolds in short, snappy chapters along with an exciting ‘comic book’ subplot!
As shy Dylan navigates the choppy waters of intense camp friendships, her vivid imagination creates a parallel story played out in comic book panels (gorgeously illustrated by Canadian artist Janine Carrington). Can Dylan harness the strength of her comic book alter ego – the mermaid warrior ‘Driftwood’ – in order to foil a plot to prank the art showcase, and stick up for her camp bestie?
James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers
Series: Lorimer Illustrated Humor
Copyright: August 15, 2017
ISBN (paperback): 978-1-4594-1146-3
ISBN (epub): 978-1-4594-1151-7
Page Count: 152
Interest ages: 8-12
Reading level: Grade 3
Lexile Reading Level: 620L
An Excerpt from Mermaid Warrior Squad
I stared at the wide green lawn in front of the arts college. It was crawling with kids my age, but I didn’t know anyone. Everyone was paired up or gathered in groups, like they were best friends. My palms were sweating. Worse, I felt like my yellow, art camp T-shirt made me stand out. As far as I could see, no one else was wearing one. I had gotten a free shirt in the mail when I registered, and I thought we were all supposed to wear it, at least on the first day. What else did I not know about day camp?
I decided to look busy. That way, everyone might not stare so much. I headed back to the welcome table. My smiley group leader, Kelsey, was still there handing out nametags. Mine was fish-shaped and my name, Dylan, was printed on it in bubbly letters. When I got there, I pretended to be interested in the colourful sign stuck to the front of the table. It said, “Welcome to Art Camp: Art Under the Sea!” I looked at the rippling tentacles of a smiling cartoon squid. In case anyone was watching, I pressed my lips together and nodded, like I was in a museum looking at a piece of art.
As I leaned closer to the sign, a voice beside me made me jump. “Your necklace is AWESOME!”
Beside me was a girl who looked around eleven, just like me. Stuck to her chest was a nametag that said Coral. Her hair was big and curly, and her round face was split by a huge grin. She made me think of a friendly Halloween pumpkin. But best of all — Coral was wearing her bright yellow camp T-shirt, too!
Media Reviews of Mermaid Warrior Squad
“Readers will identify with Dylan’s difficulties in navigating social situations … The combination of graphic novel and chapter book, as well as the short chapters and appealing narrative make Mermaid Warrior Squad an excellent choice for reluctant readers.”
– Christine McCrea, Librarian, CM: Canadian Review of Materials
“Though the plot is somewhat predictable, the characters are well developed and will appeal to readers who may see themselves (or a friend) in Dylan and Coral. The struggles Dylan faces with bullies, identity and shyness are age appropriate and well written.”
– Ana Malespin, Resource Links
Karin Adams Author & Creative Writing Coach
Karin Adams is an author and creative writing instructor. Her books include Lights! Curtains! Cows!, No TV? No Fair!, My Best Friend is a Viral Dancing Zombie, and Mermaid Warrior Squad. Her 2014 middle grade novel Frostbite Hotel was shortlisted for the Hackmatack Children’s Choice Book Award and SYRCA’s Diamond Willow Award.
Karin’s latest book is The One Week Writing Workshop (coming soon). It is a non fiction, practical guide for adults who aspire to write a novel.