Grade 4 Magic at Ecole R.W. Bobby Bend School – Stonewall, Manitoba

I had the most AMAZING experience at the marvelous Ecole R.W. Bobby Bend School in Stonewall, Manitoba this past October! I worked with 5 groups of Grade 4s (that’s a lot of Grade 4 creativity!). Each classroom was enthusiastic, energized and always ready to write. In each class, I felt so welcome as you greeted me with excited voices. I got the feeling you were enjoying yourselves as much as I was!

In a mere three sessions –  because of your willingness to listen and try (and your wonderful imaginations !) –  about one hundred new and original fictional characters, storyworlds, and story plans burst to life! You imagined outdoor adventurers, unicorns, violinists, computer programmers, tuxedo-wearing reptiles, aspiring theatre directors (and so much  more…) – such a diverse and intriguing group of characters!

I loved hearing how so many of you love to use your free time to read and write (among the many other things that keep you busy!). You had many insights about writing that came from your own experiences as writers (of novels, shorts stories, comic books, poetry, and song lyrics!). Because of that, I feel I was able to share even more than usual about my own love of writing  – thank you for that special opportunity.

You fearlessly shared ideas, challenged yourselves to get creative and solve problems, and listened to and helped each other. (And I even got to share in a tasty pumpkin pie project!)I was also so happy to see my books in your classrooms and to learn that you were reading them together (that felt amazing!). My books were written to be shared with readers like you, so thank you to your school for this support and for sharing my books with your community!

Thank you to your amazing teachers, everyone on your welcoming staff, and of course to all the young writers I was so fortunate to meet and work with. I hope you all continue to write, and look forward to hearing how it goes from your teachers!

Until we meet again!
Karin 🙂