I just heard that Lights! Curtains! Cows! is McNally Robinson’s number one bestselling book for young people in Winnipeg for the week of January 10, 2010! What an incredible honour for me to see my name up there with so many authors I admire. WOW!
Check out the list here:
Thanks to all my readers, and those who came out to the book launch at McNally Robinson on January 10. Thanks for all of your support and excitement!
Someone, please peel me off the ceiling! I had so much fun at my book launch – my very first book launch!- for Lights! Curtains! Cows!. The event was on Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 2pm at the wonderful McNally Robinson bookstore in Winnipeg (Grant Location). The bookstore did a fabulous job setting up displays, creating AWESOME posters, and hosting a relaxed, welcoming and fun event for me and my guests. A huge thanks to the phenomenal staff at McNally Robinson, and to my publisher Formac Lorimer for co-sponsoring this event. I’ll remember it forever!
It was great catching up with all sorts of people from all over my life – family, friends I’ve known since I was four, new friends, teachers, parents of friends who I haven’t seen in, like, forever!
Best of all? I met some readers of Lights! Curtains! Cows! who came out to meet me. You really made the day special for me! I’m so glad that you liked my book, and came to say hi!
It was great chatting and signing books and shaking hands and getting hugs and reading my book and – well – just celebrating!
I hope that you all had as good a time as I did…and will come out to help me launch my next book, No TV? No Fair! (March 2010 – getting closer!)
The official book launch for Lights! Curtains! Cows! will take place on January 10, 2010, at McNally Robinson (Winnipeg – Grant Ave Location), 2pm. If you’re in town, come on down!
I’m going to be doing a reading, signing books, and just generally mingling and having a good time. Hope you can be there!
I’ve actually never been to a book launch before, so it’s kind of cool that the first one I’m attending is my own.
Check out the info about the Lights! Curtains! Cows! launch here on McNally Robinson’s site: