Frostbite Hotel – Book Launch!

Sunday, January 18 – the Winnipeg launch of “Frostbite Hotel” at McNally Robinson Booksellers!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out for the Winnipeg launch of “Frostbite Hotel”! It was exciting to see Winnipeg readers, family, friends, fellow writers, teachers, librarians, journalists, arts program coordinators…and the absolutely AWESOME students that I’ve had the pleasure to work with through Artists in the Schools along with their families… all gathered in once place!
Wasn’t it all just so FUN? It was really special for me to get a chance to read from “Frostbite Hotel”, to answer your thought-provoking questions about writing and the “Frostbite” universe, to chit-chat with you at the book-signing, and then mingle over yummy hot chocolate and mini-marshmallows (mmmm…..) Hope you enjoyed meeting Kirby Katz, Marvin DaSilva, The Bear ….and are wondering (or currently reading about!) what happens to these characters next…

A huge thank you to Lorimer Children’s and Teens and McNally Robinson for putting on such a tremendous event. The posters were just “too cool” (hey – how appropriate!), Lorimer’s Frostbite Hotel bookmarks are amazing (you can still pick some up along with signed copies of the book at McNally)…and I feel so very lucky to have launched my story into the snowy stratosphere with such style and with such an amazing crowd!
Thanks to my readers, Frostbite Hotel jumped onto Winnipeg’s bestseller list for the week of January 11, and reached NUMBER ONE for the week of January 18. (Serious “woots” are in order!)

Thanks, everyone. Now, curl up with a book and stay warm…or get out there with your friends and build yourselves a snow hotel empire!
Karin 🙂