Frostbite Hotel
The latest from Karin Adams. ‘Put your feet up but keep your boots on!’ …
Frostbite Hotel is here!
Hot off the press (or “cold” off the press?), Frostbite Hotel is the story of budding Grade 5 businessman Kirby Katz. Following in the bootsteps of his hero, hotel tycoon William T. Williamson, Kirby is determined to build a successful snow hotel empire at recess. But soon his biggest competition, The Bear and his buddies, are stealing all of his best hotel ideas – before he even gets a chance to act. Kirby suspects that there may be a spy among his own staff. Can Kirby handle the truth?
I’m so excited to be able to share Frostbite Hotel with you. It’s already getting great reviews online, and I’m most excited by the young readers I’ve been reading to in Manitoba schools who are giving the story two (winter-mittened) thumbs up! 🙂