Fun at Chapters In Winnipeg

Hello Winnipeg and Manitoba Readers (and folks I met from out of town, too!).

Just a big HELLO to everyone I had the pleasure of meeting at Chapters Polo Park last Sunday. It was exciting to be a part of the hustle and bustle as people prepare for Christmas. There was a beautiful Christmas tree,  live music, the wonderful smell of coffee filling the air, and hundreds of people looking for books! It’s great to see that the love of books is alive and well in Winnipeg!

I chatted with so many people throughout the afternoon, and my six hour visit absolutely flew by! I met young readers, parents and grandparents, fellow writers, friends and family who stopped by to say hello, and even old friends who happened to come by – it was a pleasure to meet you all, and talk about writing and my books. Thank you for picking up copies of “No TV? No Fair!” and “Lights! Curtains! Cows!” – I hope that you or the people you plan on giving them to enjoy the stories!

A big thank you to the terrific staff at Chapters for organizing the event, for your enthusiasm for local authors, and for making me so comfortable at the store.

Happy reading!
Karin 🙂